Sunday 31 August 2008

Men�s sexuality or terra incognita

The sexual lives of men full of lies and deception. The truth is that we hot in a patriarchal club. With some natyazhkoy, one could argue that the world ruled by hands. But when it comes to sexual urge, men suffer out on all the articles. This area of human relationships beyond them, they lav not control it. Incredible and amazing statement, is not it? Only at first glance.

Eventually, the full multi-sexual amusement industry is built on unsteady foundations of male sexual fantasies. Popular polls, issues of sex, prove that in bed, men receive much more than preference. Men typically hold more sexual satisfaction than women. So what’s the problem of male sexuality to explain?

In a nutshell, this male gender remains terra incognita, altogether unexplored phenomenon, which the court based on numerous scientific and obyvatelskih assumptions and perceptions (often erroneous). The job is that if the men themselves do not start to ask yourself simple (and difficult) questions about his own gender, this position will ne'er change for the better.

So the to the highest degree basic myths about male sexuality:

Men’s gender is the norm

Men’s sexuality for many serves as a measure of sex and a means of determining it. The problem is that everyone is confident that knows what exactly is the measuring rod of sex and cypher utruzhdaet to find themselves closer look. We should note that this notion too by recent places, and places - virgin pure. The definition of male gender, we should not bank on the appearance, growth and build, and internal criteria.

Because male sexuality is considered the norm, it will never be questioned. That is the job, because men’s gender - the same complex phenomenon, like women’s sexuality, and it stiff to be overcome.

Symptoms of male gender more recognized in society

In Western culture manifestations of male gender is much more welcome than distaff sexuality. From an former age inspire us to distinguish betwixt a man and a woman and repeat apprehend oskominu priskazku “boys have boys”, which gives young people the chance to freely explore their own sex secret, just a well-known way. This “collusion” partially removes obstacles to the development of male sexuality.

However, the phenomenon coupled and certain problems, because obstacles stimulate growth and development. We live in a smart set where the negative posture towards sex and all forms of sexual, so the absence seizure of barriers does not mean freedom and raskovannost, but only when choose the path of least resistance. As a result, manpower are non able to make informed sexual choices, they sustain to take that imposes society, and consider it the best choice.

Men’s sex is obvious, visible at first ken, means a priori

So allege when want to say that male sexuality is its fallose. This may be peerless of the most widespread and lasting misconceptions around male sexuality, moreover, the most harmful and serious. The truth is that fallos personifies male gender - no one does not indicate with that! Men’s private parts are outside, so almost men hear their own body (masturbiruyut are experiencing erection and semyaizverzhenie) is already at an early age without any aid or intervention, so that sexual arousal gives men easily.

Because workforce easily brought, considered that there is nothing in particular, and therefore absolutely necessary to know more about the phenomenon. As we cognize, Freud once said that in male sexuality is nothing extraordinary, while the nature of female sexuality has remained for him unsolvable whodunit. But there Freud was wrong. Men’s sexuality seems to us a simple, because we traktuem it as the Laity.

Men’s gender is heterosexual person in nature

Another classic myth of male sexuality, “proven” to the fact that workforce choose women - as we have already identified, subject to impose on society option. Unfortunately, modern sexology naproch ignore the great theory of Socrates and conceive that for women epicene experience - something “natural”, patch for work force - quite the contrary, as “male heterosexuals in nature”.

Of course, it is impossible to disregard the existence of homosexuals, but they are “different from other” and make up only 2 - 10% of the male population. So when we talk about the culture of male sexuality, we about always miserly heterosexual male sexuality, which in itself is evenhandedly narrow notion (here means a sexual act with vaginal insight, which precedes the minimum prelude and oral sex).

The problem is that this is non true. In fact, manpower (and pioneers experimenter by nature) ar seeking to try everything in sex, and often it is “all” simply impossible to go through with a woman. If you look closely on the sides, without work can be seen as a growth number of men seeking to enrich their sexual experience at the expense of communication with representatives of their gender, number of latent homosexual couples and homosexuals, are not yet cognisant of their choice, a variety of male gender becomes plain. The diversity of forms of male sexual demeanour does not fit into the common framework that leads us to the legitimate need to expand this framework.

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Thursday 21 August 2008

New Study Reveals Non-Drug Model Reduces Stress In War-Traumatized Children

�Highly traumatized children surviving in war-torn Kosovo experient significant reductions in posttraumatic stress disorderliness (PTSD) when treated with a comprehensive, non-drug model developed by The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM), according to a new study published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. The new study, "Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Post-War Kosovar Adolescents Using Mind-Body Skills Groups: A Randomized Controlled Trial," is the first base randomized controlled trial of any intervention with state of war traumatized children.

The study demonstrates that CMBM's mind-body techniques, including biofeedback, meditation, guided imaging and self-expression (in dustup, drawings, and movement) bring about lasting changes in levels of focus, flashbacks, nightmares and symptoms of withdrawal and numbing in adolescents living in a region of conflict.

Eighty-two Kosovo high school students participated in the study, all of whom met PTSD criteria as measured by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire. Teachers trained in the CMBM mind-body model offered the 12-session program in small, supportive educational settings.

After participating in the three-month prospicient program, the number of students having symptoms was dramatically rock-bottom from 100% to 18%. The simplification was retained at a three-month followup. The improvement was significantly greater than a mastery group of non-participating students. CMBM's founder and theatre director, and the study's atomic number 82 author, James S. Gordon, MD, describes the approach in his new account book, Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven Stage Journey Out of Depression.

"This study provides scientific evidence for the efficacy of a example taught to almost 3,000 health and mental health professionals and educators worldwide," aforementioned Dr. Gordon. "CMBM's approach shot is educational and potently effective and can be taught and used by people of all ages on their own. We've used this small chemical group model to give tens of thousands of children and adults practical tools that help them feel better promptly, and we've taught them to use their hunch and imaging to figure out problems. Our approach is proving highly acceptable to populations which do non want to be tending medication, and have no access to a doctor or therapist."

This mind-body model is being secondhand to treat war-traumatized populations in Israel and Gaza as intimately as in post-Katrina southern Louisiana. It is as well widely used with depressed people and those with chronic sickness in the US, and has been incorporated as a stress reduction programme for students in a dozen US medical schools.

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

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Wednesday 6 August 2008

Morrissey album pushed back to 2009

'Years of Refusal' is his first Polydor studio album

NEW YORK -- Originally due in September, Morrissey's next record album, "Years of Refusal," has been postponed until early 2009, according to the artist's publicizer. No extra information was given about the date change.

The 12-track "Refusal" was produced by Jerry Finn, who helmed Morrissey's 2004 album "You are the Quarry." Last month, Finn suffered a severe head hemorrhage and remains hospitalized in Los Angeles.

"Years of Refusal" will be Morrissey's first studio apartment album since signing with Polydor last year. It's the followup to 2006's "Ringleader of the Tormentors," which has sold 98,000 copies in the U.S., according to Nielsen SoundScan.

Plans ar still in the kit and boodle for Sony BMG to reissue Morrissey's 1995 record album "Southpaw Grammar" with remastered audio, three previously unreleased tracks and new art, but no date has been sic.